Friday, September 13, 2019

API Testing - how to test

How to do API testing design

Testers are in charge of testing both individual functionality and a series/chain of functionality
1. Isolation of each request
test the positive and negative
##boundary value analysis
### ching for every kind of wrong input the user can possibly supplyeck
###create test cases for all possible input combinations of the API.

2. End to End test
mock the real use work flow

1. make sure it does what it's supposed to do
2. make sure it can handle the load
3. find all the way users can mess things up, negative testing
4. make sure your apis work across devices,browsers and operating system

manual test for exploratory testing, usability testing, ad-hoc testing

Best 10 practice for api testing

  1.  Test for the typical and expected result first (positive)
  2.  On top of each test, include the declarations of the APIs being called.
  3. Parameters selection should be explicitly mentioned in the test case itself
  4. Each test case should be as self-contained and independent from dependencies as possible.Avoid "test chaining" in your development.Limit the tests from as many variables as possible by keeping it as isolated as possible
  5. Group test cases by category
  6. Prioritize API function calls
  7. For complete test coverage, create test cases for all possible API input combination
  8. Call sequencing should be performed and well planned
  9. Add stress to the system through a series of API load testing.
  10.  Test for failure. Make sure you understand how the api will fail.See how it handles unforseen problems and loads by throwing as much as you can at it.

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