Thursday, October 24, 2019

.Net core and .Net Framework

NET Framework
 The current version of .NET Framework, 4.8, is supposed to be the last version of .NET Framework. There will be no more new versions of .NET Framework planned in the future.

.NET Core Advantages1`

If you’re building a new application and have a choice between .NET Core and .NET Framework, .NET Core is the way to go.

.NET Core is better suited for cross-platform needs. .NET Core apps are supported on Windows, Linux, and macOS. Microsoft’s popular open source code editor, Visual Studio Code, is supported on Windows, Linux and macOS. VS Code supports modern needs of code editors including IntelliSense and debugging. Most third-party editors, such as Sublime, Emacs, and VI, work with .NET Core.

Microservices architecture is supported in .NET Core, which allows cross platform services work with .NET Core including services developed with .NET Framework, Java, Ruby, or others.

Containers are the VMs of today. .NET Core’s modularity, light weight, and flexibility makes it easier to deploy .NET Core apps in containers. Containers can be deployed on any platform, cloud, Linux, and Windows. .NET Core works well with both Docker and Azure Kubernetes Service.

A need for high performance and scalable systems.

Performance and scalability were two major key focus areas when .NET Core was developed.
.NET Core and ASP.NET Core are the top performing web frameworks according to some benchmarks.

What is Keywork driven Framework

  • Devide all the test cases into Test Steps, test object, actions, test data and stored in an Excel File
  • Put all the actions as Keyword, and every keyword corresponds to a Function
  • Put all the objects/elements in Object Repository
  • Execution Enginer/Driver Script to Read the Excel File, Call the keyword and object, Run the test
Keyword Driven Framework To Separate code from Test cases

Manual Testers : Maintain the Test Cases File
Automation Tester: Maintain the Framework

It will become complicated when it have more and more keywords and objects

Friday, October 4, 2019

C# - Switch

      switch (caseSwitch)
          case 1:
              Console.WriteLine("Case 1");
          case 2:
              Console.WriteLine("Case 2");
              Console.WriteLine("Default case");

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